Showing posts with label coffee quote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coffee quote. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wednesday Wisdom - Everybody Should Believe in Something

Happy Wednesday!

For the majority of my adult life, I have not been much of a coffee drinker - even when working multiple jobs while grinding through college.  I survived what I thought were tough challenges, and green tea (or iced tea, or white tea, or peppermint tea) was always able to get me through.   No reason to drink coffee, right?

And then I had children.  Children who don't sleep.   Thanks to coffee, we have all survived levels of sleep deprivation I didn't know existed.   The babies have long since started sleeping better and I am back to my beloved tea, but forevermore, coffee will have a place in my heart.

So, for those days when you are struggling to get your brain working and just need a warm, delicious cup of energy to get you through, here are your caffeine-infused words of wisdom.

Now grab your double-shot extra-hot 2-pump mocha latte and tackle all those mid-week tasks like the hyper-focused coffee beast you are!

If you need an even larger dose of energy injected into your day, check out this post.
~ Jaelyn

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